English yob... ;)

we saw Frank Skinner and David Baddiel in the beer garden, but they looked pretty chilled and we didnt want to interupt their day for a photie so I took this covert one..! Was good to see them over here for the World Cup!

some guy tossing his caber.

the Eternal Wave, where surfers come to ride, right on the edge of the park and the city... pretty cool place.

this is the Chinese tower in the English Garden, with its own beer garden.

the are rivers like this throughout the gardens, with everyone piling into them and just floating for k after k around the place..! A lot of nudists aswell, as nudity is accepted in Munich.

a good old English lad I met in the hostel here and we teamed up for a week. Rowan was here to see some of the World Cup, and here we were in The English Garden, the largest public garden in Europe and very nice. Designed by an English bloke, to look English... good stuff..!

this guy was fantastic..!!! he took some requests and played the likes of Mozart and Vivaldi amazingly well. got some good footage of him.

a gay lion... dont ask...

at last..! I found a backpack to fit me..!

even the babies defend the Church from Evil, bless em...

a statue of Satan being slain by The Archangel

the interior of one of the churches. this one was ALL white, except for a jet black pulpit...

loads of old churches and such in Munich

Just done 120ks straight from Fussen to the center of Munich and had a beer and a sausage in the middle of the Brazian and Oz supporters and my head went...
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