The old German couple who invited m to stay in their Orchard.

These were a few a the farm animals, the dog was Max and took a shine to me hen he spotted the food Id been given and followed me around as I investigated the woods nearby.

I pulled up at a farm to ask for water and the old couple who livd there said I could pitch my tent in their orchard which had unparrelled views of the Alps. I couldnt believe my luck, and then their son bought out some food and a couple of beers for me to chill out... I try to expct the unexpected, but sometimes things just surpass anything you could think up and its great. I got talking to the old man, and hed fought in the war under Hitler, and had had three of his fingers shot off. He kept telling me that he had spent a lot of his fighting time in snowy regions where the weather killed them off one by one. He must have seen some sights. A surreal moment was when he showed me how he used to Seig Hiel at the breakfast table..!

Happy to have reached the Alps..!

one of my first views of the Alps from the ground, which knocked me bandy, after cycling down from Brugge all that time ago through the bad weather. It was a really good moment seeing them sticking up from over the horizon and I just sat and looked for over an hour on the roadside... a great day..!

One of the many staues outside the castle walls.

Sigmarengen Castle, where some Nazis and French Bigwigs stayed during the war. It has an elaborate history, and the largest private armoury in Europe, which included everything frmo German helmets to Samuri full body armour. Some of the broadswords there where bigger than me, and Im just over 2 meters tall. I also picked up a single section of knights armour and it was seriously heavy. They used to put on full leather covers, then put chainmail over that, and then put on full suits of armour... how the hell they then went to battle and fought is beyond me... Maybe they drank Vodka Redbulls before a serious kickoff...
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