Brussels at night,was gorgeous with all the buildings lit up

shopping center

something tells me this was a bar for men who like their men hairy... what a name! L Homo Erectus..!!! LOL!!!

shopping center

church in Brussels

the EU where I filed a complaint for them to get their fingers out...

an origional Heironymous Bosche painting... amazing.

I think I passed out when I saw this..!!! I remember the horror of it all trying to do the translations... Uuhuuuhuuhh... lol

this fella had already cycled direct from Belgium to Rome, and it took him six weeks. He got me a beer and we discussed possible changes to the route, as he said it's a difficult one thru Slovenia and Tuscany is a killer apparently...

saw this ship on the canal from Antwerp to Brussles, and sure its the one from Albert Dock!!!

Happy to be in Brussels..! The main sqaure is amazing...

at times the path gets completley lost for various reasons,but its good trying to pick your way if the weathers good, if its not it makes a big difference.

beer shop
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